Advisory Board
Alpha Yacob Arsano
Sustainable Design Lab, MIT School of Architecture
Helawi Sewnet Beshah
Director General | City Administration Infrastructure | Addi
Prof. Dr. Billie Giles-Corti
Distinguished Professor, NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow and Director | Healthy Liveable Cities Lab, Melbourne
Dr. Shifalika Goenka
Delhi Medical Council, Medical Council of India, Public Health Foundation of India
Pr. Dr. Eckhart von Hirschhausen
Founder | Healthy Planet Healthy People Foundation, Berlin / Honorary Professor | Philipps University of Marburg
Dr. Sabine Kleinert (Chair)
Senior Executive Editor | The Lancet
Dr. Catherine Kyobutung
Executive Director | African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Nairobi
Dr. Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou
Mbolab, Open Bioeconomy Lab / Advanced School of Mass Communication (Digital Humanities Section) | University of Yaoundé II
Dr. Tolullah Oni
Clinical Senior Research Associate, Global Diet and Activity Research Group, MRC Epidemiology Unit | University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
Prof. Dr. Vikram Patel
The Pershing Square Professor of Global Health | Harvard Medical School
Prof. Dr. Gaurav Raheja
Department Head | Architecture and Urban Planning, IIT Roorkee
Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett
Chair Urban Initiatives Group | UN Habitat, United Nations