Upcoming Engagement

IFNU Roundtable

The Research Platform Neurourbanism is part of the Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourbanistik e.V. (IFNU), a project funded by the Berlin University Alliance with the theme ‘Exploring and Designing Urban Density’.

As a collective of university lecturers, researchers, and practitioners from the fields of psychiatry, urban planning, psychology, neuroscience, architecture, sociology, philosophy, and ethnography, we aim to better understand and measure the impact of urban environments on emotions, behavior, and mental health to advocate for cities that are livable and conducive to the mental health of their inhabitants.

About the lecture:

Simone Kühn, a German neuroscientist, psychologist and Director of the Research Center for Environmental Neuroscience at Max Planck Institute for Human Development works mainly in the emerging field of environmental neuroscience: she aims to determine whether and how different environmental factors influence the human brain and behavior.

Her research interests focus on neuroplasticity and how the brain can adapt to an ever changing world. At the same time she has been interested in understanding how human beings can exert self-control and inhibition to counteract impulses. This later interest has lead her to investigate habitual responses, addiction, and other mental disorders.

Date: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM

Location: Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Luisenstraße 56, House 1, 10117 Berlin, Room 144

© Sandra Weber

© Armin Junge

Past Engagaments

September 14th, 2022: “Berliner Gespräche über mentale Gesundheit”: https://berliner-gespraeche.com/#14

August 19th, 2022: MitVergüngen; “Psychologie: Helft einem Projekt herauszufinden, welche Emotionen Berlin bei uns auslöst”: https://mitvergnuegen.com/2022/futurium-emotionen-stadt/

August 18th, 2022: B.Z.; “Jeder Berliner kann jetzt Stadtforscher werden”: https://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/jeder-berliner-kann-jetzt-stadtforscher-werden

July 3rd, 2022: Wissen Weekly; “Mental Health: Warum werden wir immer einsamer?”: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3FvZN9vg1ywu0Uf9kCERGl

June 21th, 2022: Die Tagespost; “Raus aus der Einsamkeit”: https://www.die-tagespost.de/leben/familie/raus-aus-der-einsamkeit-art-229721

June 17th, 2022: Deutsches Ärzteblatt; “Wir müssen das Thema Einsamkeit besprechbar machen”: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/135222/Wir-muessen-das-Thema-Einsamkeit-besprechbar-machen

June 15th, 2022: Deutsches Ärzteblatt; “Bundesfamilienministerium will evidenzbasierte Strukturen gegen Einsamkeit schaffen”: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/135078/Bundesfamilienministerium-will-evidenzbasierte-Strukturen-gegen-Einsamkeit-schaffen

June 14th, 2022: Diakonie Deutschland; “Für sich sein - Ein Atlas der Einsamkeiten (YouTube)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip3DF8c5AXg&ab_channel=DiakonieDeutschland%E2%80%93EvangelischesWerkf%C3%BCrDiakonieundEntwicklunge.V.

May 24th, 2022: WissenAusBerlin; “Wozu braucht Berlin mehr Parks? (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP1-kyd_O14&ab_channel=WissenAusBerlin

May 23rd, 2022: Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Studio 9); “Die Einsamkeit junger Erwachsener nimmt zu”: https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/die-einsamkeit-junger-erwachsener-nimmt-zu- dlf-kultur-039ff0d7-100.html

January 25th, 2022: WirtschaftsWoche; “Was Menschen in der Stadt krank macht”: https://www.wiwo.de/erfolg/trends/koennen-sich-nicht-dagegen-wehren-was-menschen-in-der-stadt-krank-macht/27944734-all.html

December 23rd, 2021: Deutschlandfunk; “Facetten von Einsamkeit”: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/facetten-von-einsamkeit-annaeherungen-an-ein-mitunter-beaengstigendes-gefuehl-dlf-68c1cca3-100.html

September 28th, 2021: Berliner Zeitung; “Wie stärkt man die psychische Gesundheit der Berliner?”: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/gesundheit-oekologie/wie-staerkt-man-die-psychische-gesundheit-der-berliner-li.139025

Press Releases

Speech ‘From Lab to City: Exploring Emotions within “Your Emotional City”’ given by Dr. Shadi Bagherzadeh Azbari on November 25th, 2024 at WINS Adlershofhttps://www2.hu-berlin.de/wins/

Guest-Talk with Dr. Shadi Bagherzadeh Azbari on November 12th, 2024: https://community.civic-data.de/s/willkommens-space/calendar/entry/view?id=166

Dr. Corinna Kühnapfel talk ‘Art, Aesthetics, and Density: Exploring Psychological and Societal Impacts in Cities’ on November 5th, 2024 at the research seminar of Brain & Cognition department of KU Leuven

Book Discussion with Richard Sennett: ‘Gerade richtig oder von allem zu viel, Richard Sennett?’ on October 17th, 2024 at Futurium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz7WBqaQILE&t=726s

Interview with Dr. Shadi Bagherzadeh Azbari: Wir erfassen die Gefühle der Menschen in Echtzeit’ on June 24th, 2024 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/wir-erfassen-die-gefuehle-der-menschen-in-echtzeit

Workshop with Dr. Shadi Bagherzadeh Azbari and Sephira Kolbe: ‘Wie die Stadt auf unsere Psyche wirkt’ on March 6th, 2024 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/wie-die-stadt-auf-unsere-psyche-wirkt

Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Mazda Adli: ‘Heimat=Stadt’ on September 18th, 2023 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/heimat-stadt, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gseSx-7jl5Y&list=PL1lO4YK4FC3i7Z0q49Xd1AkKK6tLJgr7B&index=8

Open Lab: ‘Wie aus Daten Karten werden’ on June 1st, 2023 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/open-lab-abend-wie-aus-daten-karten-werden

Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Joerg Fingerhut: ‘Wie Kunst im öffentlichen Raum das Lebensgefühl verbessern kann’ on November 8th, 2022 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/wie-kunst-im-oeffentlichen-raum-das-lebensgefuehl-verbessern-kann, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEPa7bvPZAk&list=PL1lO4YK4FC3i7Z0q49Xd1AkKK6tLJgr7B&index=7

App-Launch and Start of Project at Futurium on August 22nd, 2022: https://futurium.de/de/blog/werdet-stadtforscher-innen-bei-deine-emotionale-stadt, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nZyXQZgck4&list=PL1lO4YK4FC3i7Z0q49Xd1AkKK6tLJgr7B&index=1

Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Mazda Adli: ‘All by myself’ on March 31th, 2022 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/all-by-myself, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K98j0Qyd_7k&list=PL1lO4YK4FC3i7Z0q49Xd1AkKK6tLJgr7B&index=3

Interview with Prof. Dr. Mazda Adli: ‘Wieviel Stadt macht uns krank?’ on January 24th, 2020 at Futurium: https://futurium.de/de/blog/wieviel-stadt-macht-uns-krank

Public Events and Collaboration with Futurium